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Izbrana poglavja knjige “Deep Green Resistance” avtorjev Arica McBaya, Lierre Keith in Derricka Jensena najdeš tukaj.

Dela Derricka Jensena lahko poiščeš na njegovi spletni strani, nekaj pa jih je dosegljivih tudi v slovenskih knjižnicah – konsultiraj COBISS. Premise Jensenove “Endgame”, pa tudi nekaj izbranih poglavij obeh volumnov te knjige, najdeš tukaj. Slovenski prevod premis je tu. Prvih 14 strani knjige Lierre Keith “The Vegetarian Myth” lahko prebereš tukaj.

Če želiš kupiti katerokoli od teh del, ti priporočamo direkten nakup od avtorjev. Način nakupa je razložen na zgoraj naštetih povezavah.

Because this way of life—devouring, degrading, and insane—cannot continue. For “sustainable” to mean anything, we must embrace and then defend the bare truth: the planet is primary. The life-producing work of a million species are literally the earth, air, and water that we depend on. No human activity—not the vacuous, not the sublime—is worth more than that matrix. Neither, in the end, is any human life. If we use the word “sustainable” and don’t mean that, then we are liars of the worst sort: the kind who let atrocities happen while we stand by and do nothing.

(Lierre Keith v knjigi “Deep Green Resistance”; vir)